Monday, June 25, 2012

On Ambition….

Most cliches have some basis in fact. Yes, there really are a lot of jews in finance, New Yorkers are crappy drivers, and most people at Chinese takeout places don't speak English (welcome to the randomness of my mind, boys and girls). Basically, someone once observed something, used it in a mockingly funny story, and things spiraled from there. What I want to talk about today is among the oldest and noblest of these azioms, muttered countless times by virtuous young men as they watched the object of their affections depart the bar/frat/highschool dance with some arrogant jerkoff who is no way good enough for her so what the hell, dude? In short, why is it that nice guys finish last?

Actually, thats a dumb question. My revision: why do we think being nice is such a good thing? Don't misunderstand, I make an effort, every day, to be a kind, generous, empathetic member of society. I randomly text my girlfriend to tell her how gorgeous she is, try to make my parents laugh at least once a day, and treat the majority of people I encounter with respect. And I still don't consider myself a nice person.

See, I want to do something big in the world. I want all of it, money and luxury and toys and maybe even fame (although I'm not sold on that yet). The people who find those those things share two vital characterisitcs: arrogance and ambition.

Why arrogance? Simple, really. I carry a vision of myself around in my head. In that version of the world, I'm pretty f-ing awesome. Intellectually, socially, physically awesome. I'm fully aware that reality doesn't match the picture. So I make it my mission, every day, to move a little closer to becoming that man. To be as incredible as I know I deserve to be. Arrogance can make you a preening fool, or it can evolve, become the ironclad knowledge that you have the capacity for greatness.

Ambition… Probably doesn't mean what you think. Yes, I want all those things mentioned above. But more importantly, I want to live a life of consequence. I want to leave the world, whether tomorrow or (preferably) in seventy years, secure in the knowledge that I've done something worth all the sweat and tears. True ambition isn't the ability to dream big, but the perseverance to accept the work of making those dreams solid.

So why do nice guys finish last? Because being nice usually means you are content, that you're satisfied with your life and your place in the world. That you're satisifed with being normal, part of the mediocre invisible middle. So stop. Figure out a plan for your life, then spend the next few decades making it happen. Its a hard road, and long, but the leisure at the end is earned rather than accepted. Look, this is a long post, and most of you are too impatent or bored to read the entire thing. So let's summarize...

Fuck mediocrity

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