Friday, June 15, 2012

Hello World...

Did everybody see that graduation speech, the one with a highschool teacher standing in front of fresh-faced teenagers to tell them how not special they truly are? Go, watch and weep. I'll wait.

I'd like to congratulate that teacher, and to thank him. Someone had to say it. The truth is, as my dad once told me, that nobody gives a shit if you're successful. Yes, we're all unique, beautiful snowflakes and that is worth celebrating (not sarcasm). But seriously, you think the kumbaya bullshit is going to last when you're competing for college spots, jobs, women, floorseats, or any of the other ten thousand things we convince ourselves we need?

So why am I ranting, here in the first of what I'm hoping will be an endless series of blogposts? First, because I enjoy the sound of my own voice. Second and more importantly, because I think the level of discourse around our culture needs elevating in the worst possible way, and I'm hoping to make some small contribution.

Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wiser than Yoda. Say what you're thinking, and lets see if we can't all learn from it. Like I said, I enjoy my own voice, but there's plenty of room for all of yours. This is going to be an outlet for my thoughts, my passions, opinions and fiction and dreams and whatever else I feel like spilling into cyberspace. Should be a fun ride.

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