Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Announcing a New Series...

I'll admit, I don't want to blog tonight. I'm severely sleep-deprived, and coming off one of the more stressful days I can remember. Turns out being a working stiff ain't all its cracked up to be. But hey, thats the real world. I have a certain lifestyle in mind for myself, now and in the future, and the next few years are about making that vision into reality.

That's been the theme of this entire year, now that I think about it. 21st century job-searching is time consuming. I went to college in connecticut, but drove to Boston eleven times during the spring semester for interviews and introductions. Most of those leads, however promising they looked at the time, went nowehere. I didn't mind, though. Interviewing is a skill like anything else, and real-world practice is the only way to learn. To any college students who happen to read this; take advantage of whatever mock interview program your school offers, but be prepared for the difference. The questions may be the same, but nothing can really duplicate the sickening knowledge that the pencil pusher across the desk holds your career in his hands.

You know, I'm glad I sat down and made myself write this. I've learned so much in the past year, and maybe someone else can benefit from hearing about my experiences. Way too much to cover tonight though. Right, consider this the official announcement of my first series: 21st Century Jobhunt. Unless, of course, I get a full night's sleep and it seems like a bad idea. But that won't happen. Probably. Look for part 1 tomorrow pm. For now, peace out, interwebs.

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