Sunday, June 17, 2012

end of the beginning...

I’m starting work tomorrow. Real, honest to God, locked-in-one-place-all-day work. Not that this is a bad thing. I finished college a month ago, and somehow I’m gainfully employed in the worst economy since the twenties. Its a solid gig. White collar, good industry, lots of room for advancement. The next year or so is going to be long hours and short money, but thats the way of things when corporations have us by the throat like this. 
Funny isn’t it? Four years of prepschool, four more of college, all so I get an okay job paying less than the cost of one year at either institution. Not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, at least I’ll be able to support myself. So many friends are sitting at home now, ignoring parental frustration while they spam resumes to every company under the sun. Others are pretending not to be bored while they wait for September, more years in smaller classrooms for a slip of paper that may not add a dime to their eventual salaries. 
Is our model broken? So many brilliant minds choke on the dust kicked off rungs on the corporate ladder. Part of the reason I’m writing this is to prevent atrophy, to keep the best parts of my own mind from fading into the grey. I don’t know if anyone will read it. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that so many accept stagnation, comforting quiet routines, and I’m about to become one of them. Honestly, I’m happy about that. Yes kids, money really does make the world go round. But there has to be something more, something dynamic and razored and renewed daily, and I guess this is my way of making sure I don’t forget it. 

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